Roosevelt Middle School
Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow
Expanded Learning @ Roosevelt is dedicated to providing a diverse learning experience for youth. Our program serves 245 students who attend the school, and provides students with a tailored and engaging menu of learning activities, including academic support, enrichment education, community building and college-going culture activities, and parent engagement.
Strengthening Study and Self-Motivation Skills
Academic Support
Academic Mentors support their advisory cohort with homework completion, learning strategies and test-taking strategies. Mentors review youth homework assignments and organize them in small groups of four tailored to each youth’s academic performance level to foster peer collaboration. Mentors log homework progress and completion daily, and review progress during their consultations with school-day teachers. Youth participate in a Literacy Club to build and reinforce their core academic skills. Academic Mentors guide youth through the process of reading relevant, culturally diverse, socially and emotionally rich literature.
Fostering an Inclusive Community
Community Leadership Circles
Academic Mentors implement Building Intentional Communities curriculum to provide a safe, supportive space for youth to express themselves and build connections to support their social and emotional growth. Youth gain leadership skills to co-design and co-facilitate a group activity for their peers with support from their Academic Mentors.
Expanding Youth Horizons
Enrichment Electives
Youth participate in a rotation of enrichment workshops that include: team sports (soccer/ flag football), arts and media (arts & crafts/yearbook/architectural design), cooking (multi-ethnic and cultural) and science (physics/environmental). The workshops incorporate character and community building with the underlying themes of leadership, empathy, cultural sensitivity and social responsibility. Students engage in a new elective every 8 weeks increase their exposure to a variety of program offerings and learn about different career fields.
We are proud to announce our newly launched Roosevelt After School Music Program this year! The program will provide:
• Opportunities for students to learn a musical instrument who were not able to enroll in music class during the school day.
• Expert coaching for students who want additional music instruction to get to a higher level.
• Young musicians the opportunity to learn a second instrument.
• A music centered community within Roosevelt Middle School.
• Extra classes for students to expand their musical interests (offerings may include jazz band, mariachi, and choir).